Make It Real: October 2013


Question:   Should a Christian celebrate Halloween?

You can find many good books and articles explaining the demonic roots of Halloween.  It is a pagan holiday lifting up evil and fear.  I would prefer to use this column to introduce to you a fantastic way to take what satan meant for evil and turn it to something powerful for God’s glory.  We at Beauty For Ashes Ministry and Church began the official “Take Back the Night with the Light” program six years on October 31st.  Let me explain what we did and how you can participate this year. 

We decided to glorify God on the day the calendar designates as Halloween.  We think that it is wonderful that churches throughout our area host special events as an alternative to Halloween trick or treat.  However, we have to admit that many children in our neighborhoods still go door to door expecting candy. Some then come to our church alternative activities.  We felt lead of the Lord to begin an evangelical outreach on Halloween night.  The following is step by step how you can follow suit and turn Halloween into a time of blessing your neighborhood:

  1. Our church gathers candy for all the families who choose to participate.
  2. We have our writers group develop tracks appropriate for children to receive with a message about Jesus (you can purchase these or have your Sunday school classes make them).
  3. We then give the tracks and candy to the families that choose to host the event from their home. 
  4. Now the key is to decorate your home in bright colors with lots of lights.  Absolutely do not use any colors or decorations normally associated with Halloween.  Make your house stand out as a well lit spot in your neighborhood on an otherwise dark and gloomy street.  You can use Christmas lights especially the white and blue bulbs.  Make signs or banners welcoming the neighborhood kids to come and be blessed that Jesus loves them.   We highly recommend that you play Christian music that kids would enjoy.  Your home will change the atmosphere of evil that prevails on Halloween night.
  5. Make sure that you give the best candy (if possible avoid candy wrapped in Halloween paper) and a good portion so that all the kids will feel blessed coming to your house.  (That is why our church helps supply extra candy to the homes hosting the event.)
  6. Make sure that you have included a Christian track that children can understand.  We highly suggest that you do not preach or in anyway reprimand a child for participating in trick or treat.  Just show the love of God and open the way for casual conversation about your relationship with Jesus.
  7. If your church is interested they can use this opportunity to invite the children to their upcoming events.
Instead of taking the time to explain why my children never participated in Halloween but instead we took them to Christian Harvest Feast or movies, I would rather use this time to encourage you to “Take Back the Night with His Light”.  God bless and let me know how this works out for you.  Send pictures or comments to


Joy Comes In The Morning

sm-book-img Joy Comes in the Morning  is Cyndi Foster's testimony of overcoming sorrow and grief. Available for an offering of $10.00

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