2009 Archives
Make It Real December 2009 | Question: I am tired of comparing myself to others. I know the Bible tells us it is unwise to compare yourself to someone else but how do I stop?
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Make It Real May 2009 | Question: How do you get victory over the feelings of fear especially as the world seems to becoming more dangerous every day?
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Make It Real February 2009 | Question: Should a Christian seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit? How does one know if they have received this Baptism? (Last month we explained the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, you can find the column on our web site at www.beautyforashes.org)
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Make It Real January 2009 | I have heard people refer to the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”. What is it? Is this a valid experience for today? Should Christians seek this baptism? How does one know if they have experienced it?
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Joy Comes in the Morning is Cyndi Foster's testimony of overcoming sorrow and grief. Available for an offering of $10.00
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