
Beauty For Ashes Church and Ministry hosts conferences and seminars throughout the year. We have guest speakers as well as the BFA staff ministering on specific topics:
Inner Healing Conferences
Women’s Conferences and Retreats
Marriage Conferences
Men’s Conferences and Retreats
Relationship and Dating Conferences
Apostolic and Prophetic Conferences
Leaders and Pastors Conferences
Check out our events page for upcoming conferences and the video page for conferences and special events that we have archived.
To invite Cyndi and a team from BFA to your church or event please call (757) 890-0007. We charge no fees to minister. BFA requests that a love offering can be taken by Cyndi or a team member. We like to bring a table of resources to make available for your group. We have a special calling to reach pastors in the Philippines. Please do not hesitate to contact Beauty for Ashes to find out about our next trip is. We pay our own expenses and many times help pay for the guests who will be attending the conference in the Philippines.

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Joy Comes in the Morning is Cyndi Foster's testimony of overcoming sorrow and grief. Available for an offering of $10.00
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