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Special Guest Speakers

BFA loves being a part of the body of Christ, and we want to know everything that the Holy Spirit is doing in each part of the body. Our special guest speakers come from all different streams, and we enjoy seeing how God is bringing all the different streams together in the unity of the Holy Spirit.  Some of our past special guest speakers include: Kelley (Warren) and Rob Augi, Georgian Banov, Lisa Bourland, David Pail Campbell, Owen and Tonya Hurter, Dwight Jones, JoAnn McFatter, Steve Mitchell, John Natale, Steve Presson, Matt Sorger, and Suzy (Wills) and Kamran Yarei.



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 About Us 

Joy Comes In The Morning

sm-book-img Joy Comes in the Morning  is Cyndi Foster's testimony of overcoming sorrow and grief. Available for an offering of $10.00

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