
Local Church: Warehouse to Worship Center
In 2004, BFA purchased a warehouse at 487 Denbigh Blvd. Newport News, VA
Thad Melton came on full-time staff to renovate the warehouse and build our worship center and coffee house
BFA has three unique services every week; please come by and check out one of our services if you are in the area
Sunday Morning Service 9:30am
Free Flowing Holy Spirit Led Service
Children's Church Available
Nursery Available

Tuesday Night Service 7:00pm
Take It To the Altar (In person, on Facebook Live and Live Stream) at 7pm
Kid's Club 7pm
Friday Night Service 7pm
Apostolic Prayer and Intercession

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Joy Comes in the Morning is Cyndi Foster's testimony of overcoming sorrow and grief. Available for an offering of $10.00
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